26 replies to AI Girl #665 (Masha Babko, Oxi and Sandra)
Absolutely beautiful and sexy girls, I would love to see more like this!
Using Masha and Sandra as prompts a good idea?
OMG. Just wonderful… I think we all know who this wonderful ladies are
Tiktok influencer?
im harder than chinese math
oh wow. please pleasee make more of these. sandra and masha , such a good set. a lesbian hardcore set ?
Anon Admirer
Outstanding! More, please.
Masha I know. I think I also know Sandra, but I don’t remember which agency, does anyone know? What is the name of the third party and which agency is it from?
Oxi from Vl*d
I would love some ai art of Tanya y157. She’s always been my favorite.
Dayum! Thanks! We need some back view ones too.
Source for where to find LORAs or checkpoints with this?
They are charming and beautiful Russian
More like this please
Very exciting!
Nice smooth hairless pussies
Can’t improve on masha, but Sandra never looked better. Dated a chic who had a daughter who could have been oxi’s identical twin
Paulin Pinho
Beatiful girls!
Admin, what program did you use and the site?
feels good to me
Any chance of doing a set with “Bella K?” That would be most appreciated
One of the best of this category
To HotKakashi:
Sandra Orlow was a FAME girl and Anna Zharavina/Oxi was a Vladmodel.
Jack Daniels
I would keep all three of them in my house with tracking collars on. Every four days I would shave the slight stubble off their tiny pussies. But first off, Masha would be getting a new short haircut so she could stand out in a crowd. All three would be immediately impregnated by me to bear my offspring. OUTSTANDING!
Brainy Brett
Are they real people?
Good to see these girls are more popular than ever
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Absolutely beautiful and sexy girls, I would love to see more like this!
Using Masha and Sandra as prompts a good idea?
OMG. Just wonderful… I think we all know who this wonderful ladies are
Tiktok influencer?
oh wow. please pleasee make more of these. sandra and masha , such a good set. a lesbian hardcore set ?
Outstanding! More, please.
Masha I know. I think I also know Sandra, but I don’t remember which agency, does anyone know? What is the name of the third party and which agency is it from?
Oxi from Vl*d
I would love some ai art of Tanya y157. She’s always been my favorite.
Dayum! Thanks! We need some back view ones too.
Source for where to find LORAs or checkpoints with this?
They are charming and beautiful Russian
More like this please
Very exciting!
Nice smooth hairless pussies
Can’t improve on masha, but Sandra never looked better. Dated a chic who had a daughter who could have been oxi’s identical twin
Beatiful girls!
Admin, what program did you use and the site?
feels good to me
Any chance of doing a set with “Bella K?” That would be most appreciated
One of the best of this category
To HotKakashi:
Sandra Orlow was a FAME girl and Anna Zharavina/Oxi was a Vladmodel.
I would keep all three of them in my house with tracking collars on. Every four days I would shave the slight stubble off their tiny pussies. But first off, Masha would be getting a new short haircut so she could stand out in a crowd. All three would be immediately impregnated by me to bear my offspring. OUTSTANDING!
Are they real people?
Good to see these girls are more popular than ever