26 replies to AI Girl #665 (Masha Babko, Oxi and Sandra)

  1. Anonymous

    Absolutely beautiful and sexy girls, I would love to see more like this!

  2. Anonymous

    OMG. Just wonderful… I think we all know who this wonderful ladies are 😍

  3. im harder than chinese math

    oh wow. please pleasee make more of these. sandra and masha , such a good set. a lesbian hardcore set ?

  4. HotKakashi

    Masha I know. I think I also know Sandra, but I don’t remember which agency, does anyone know? What is the name of the third party and which agency is it from?

  5. Boner

    I would love some ai art of Tanya y157. She’s always been my favorite.

  6. Wombbroom

    Can’t improve on masha, but Sandra never looked better. Dated a chic who had a daughter who could have been oxi’s identical twin

  7. Paulin Pinho

    Beatiful girls!
    Admin, what program did you use and the site?

  8. Jimmy

    Any chance of doing a set with “Bella K?” That would be most appreciated 👍

  9. Who?

    To HotKakashi:

    Sandra Orlow was a FAME girl and Anna Zharavina/Oxi was a Vladmodel.

  10. Jack Daniels

    I would keep all three of them in my house with tracking collars on. Every four days I would shave the slight stubble off their tiny pussies. But first off, Masha would be getting a new short haircut so she could stand out in a crowd. All three would be immediately impregnated by me to bear my offspring. OUTSTANDING!

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